“Seeking Joy” (2019) – Chapbook – Gloria Mannazzu – 7


One by one
as objects overused
I am cleaning
the dust of a thousand lives.

Beautiful memories
that stay attached
to the windows of a stranger’s car.
I give them away
as a gift of wisdom
I can leave them aside
as knowledge solidified.

I rejoice thinking
I am creating new spaces
where I am free
even to show how
vulnerable I feel
when I am left alone
thinking when I should
instead be seeking joy
in what there is.

“Seeking Joy” (2019) – Chapbook with fourteen poems and six artworks by Gloria Mannazzu.
1- True peace
2- Unlimited fields of wheat
3- The monster in the cave
4- Being
5- Peace in each instant
6- I can hear you
7- Seeking joy
8- Whatever it takes
9- As a stranger
10- Saying nothing
11- Swim in bliss
12- The key lesson
13- Visions
14- Facing the unknown

© 2019 Poems and artworks by Gloria Mannazzu. All rights reserved